Monday, March 20, 2006


Crash was different, and I like different. I don't know whether it is Oscar material, but I doubt if anyone does know what that "Oscar material" exactly means.

It was movie that put people in difficult situations where they need to take decisions that could alter people's and their own lives. For this single reason I appreciated it. Overall a low budget and simple movie that raised a lot of eyebrows on why it did get an Oscar. But it is fine with as long as they don't end up giving it to some godforsaken piece of film.

One more thing I was happy about was that it actually did not have a sad ending. The last thing I needed yesterday after a good day's fun was something to mess it up. I wasn't in the "appreciate a movie for what is portraied" mood, hence the movie was perfect. Simple & elegant, with good twists.

Cover Photo: Two-Car Traffic Crash (Courtesy of the Fairfax County, Virginia, Police Department, Accident Reconstruction Section).


At 12:40 PM, March 21, 2006, Blogger sat said...

ya was good fun!!


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